SUSTech School of Design, Shenzhen, China – Assistant Professor
DS223 Client Object - ‘22 Spring, ‘23 Spring
DS333 Narrative and Branding - ‘22 Fall - ‘23 Fall
Final Year Graduation Project – supervision 3 students
Xi’an Jiaotong Liverpool University, Suzhou, China – Design Studio Tutor
Sept 2020 – June 2021
IND101 Studio: Human needs
IND108 BEng Industrial Design Level 1, Materials for Design
IND314 BEng Industrial Design Year 4, The Art of Camping
IND209 BEng Industrial Design Year 3, Concept Generation and Interaction Design
IND213 BEng/MDes Industrial Design Year 3, Ergonomics
IND308 BEng/MDes Industrial Design Year 4, Design Strategy and Ethics
AIIT, Tokyo Metropolitan University – Design Studio Tutor
November 2017 – January 2019
Course of Design [Re]thinking, MEng in Product Design
La Sapienza, Università di Roma – Lecturer and Studio Tutor
February 2015 – July 2015
MSc in Product Design, Course of Product Design Studio 2, and Design and Technologies of Innovative Materials.
Università degli Studi della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, in collaboration with the California College of Arts of San Francisco, USA - Teaching Assistant and Design Studio Tutor
2013 - 2014
Course of Bio-Innovation Design, Degree in Design Innovation.
La Sapienza, Università di Roma – Teaching Assistant and Design StudioTutor
2011 – 2012
Course of Design of Innovation, 3° year of the First level Degree in Product Design. Topic: The Age-friendly design: products for a sustainable and healthy multigenerational society.
Workshops - Seminars - Lectures
Workshop within the Course of Design [Re]thinking, Master Degree in Product Design, at AIIT, Tokyo Metropolitan University, January 2019. Topic: Design [Re]thinking Sci-fi movies.
Seminar and workshop within Product Design Studio V, Master of Science In Product Design, at La Sapienza Università di Roma, November 2018. Topic: Materials Futures and Innovation through a Design Perspective.
Seminar within the Course Laboratorio del Prodotto e della Comunicazione at the University of Venezia IUAV, November 2018 Topic: Creative making as creative writing. Materials design for product Innovation and Communication.
Seminar within the Course of History of Contemporary Design, Master degree of Product Eco-Design at the University of Campania L. Vanvitelli, November 2018 Topic: Creative making as creative writing. Materials design for product Innovation and Communication.
Lecture within the MSc and First Level Degree, Course of Product Design at BIT, Beijing Institute of Technologies, June 2018. Topic: Design after designing. Exploring new ways of working to define original contribution of the designers in non-strictly-design projects.
Lecture within the MSc in Design for the Built Environment, Architecture Department Diarc, Scuola Politecnica e delle Scienze di Base, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, 2016. Lecture topic: Porositivity: the design of porosity.
Workshop within the MSc in Product Design, Course of Product Design Studio 2 and Design and Technologies of Innovative Materials, Sapienza University of Rome, March 2015. Topic: Porosity and Design.
Lecture within the firts year of the Course of Product Design Studio 1, Master of Science in Product Design at the Faculty of Architecture - “La Sapienza”, Università di Roma, December 2013. Lecture topic: The Italian Design Conscience
Exhibitions of Teaching Results
UABB Pinsghan, Course of Narrative and Branding. Can our Objects tell the story of our life? Students’ work. SUSTech School of Design for Urban Architecture Biennal of Shenzhen and Hong Kong. Shenzhen, Dawan village, Shenzhen, December 2022. link
Fashion Shenzhen 2022, Course of Client: Object. Design for Urban Parents. Baby bottles, Students’ work. SUSTech School of Design in collaboration with Babysil Ltd., Futian Exhibition Center, Shenzhen, July 2022. link
Urban Forest Showroom, Course of Client: Object. The Future of Travel, Students’ work. SUSTech School of Design in collaboration with Urban Forest, Upper Hills, Shenzhen, April 2023.
Hybrid-Ism And Multi-Ethnicity, Course of Hybridism and Multiethnicity, an international exchange program between the California College of Arts in San Francisco, USA, and the Second University of Naples. July 2014. http://www.hybriddesignlab.org